Our Philosophy

Instead Consulting was founded on the premise of 2 simple ideas.

  1. Successful pharmaceutical companies require exceptionally strong Quality Management Systems.
  2. You should spend your days doing something you love.

Our Story

Instead Consulting was founded by Kate Krachai in October 2018. After running a larger and more complex business for nearly 10 years she wanted to go back to the work she had always loved.

Work that involves helping to strengthen and improve Quality Management Systems.

Work that involves helping clients to assess and strengthen their supply chains.

Work that involves training and inspiring professionals about quality issues across the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.

Work that allows her to focus on what matters. Learning, sharing knowledge and helping clients to be the best they can be.

Please do get in touch…

A problem shared is a problem halved. If you are thinking about improving your Quality Management System, need support with your supply chain or simply want to talk to someone who cares deeply about quality and how best to protect patients then do get in touch.

Get In Touch